Highest Rated Comments

kerowack234 karma

This is one of the better AMA responses I've ever read from a real famous person. You sound like a totally awesome dude, Ethan Hawke.

[edit] You're going to get this a lot, I imagine, but GATTACA was great.

kerowack8 karma

Mr. Lessig, I watched an interview you did recently with Bill Moyers and it was extremely interesting and enlightening.

I would only like to thank you for that. And to say that I wish you were more public.

kerowack5 karma

I think he edited the OP and is gone to Pitchfork now.

Anybody work at pitchfork?


kerowack5 karma

Man, is he done? We really need an answer!

kerowack5 karma

She's characterized him before as extremely reactive to whatever situation faces him on a given day, rather than preemptively creating outcomes that we see, he is perpetually reacting to them.