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kevanthony339 karma

Look up a few of the high profile candidates that aren’t accepting corporate/PAC contributions and let me know what party they’re all from

kevanthony335 karma

Ehh ur not unreasonable for being cynical - but keep an eye out on the field, there’s always some people who rise above the fray

kevanthony335 karma

How tough do you think knocking off devin nunes will be? Andrew janz is raising a hell of a lot of money, but the more pragmatic part of me recognizes that theres an awful lot of wishcasting in the coverage of this race.

kevanthony335 karma

I think the notion that the polling was way off in 2016 is pretty misguided. All of the reputable pollsters very clearly showed that trump did have a path to victory (I believe 538 projected that trump had a 30% chance of winning which is fairly reasonable). The media/pundits are the ones who dropped the ball in their coverage (cnn/nyt editorials, etc). They cherry picked polling data to fit in with their narrative and were ultimately super irresponsible in their analysis of Trump’s chances.

kevanthony334 karma

I am angry and (partly) disillusioned but I choose to channel that energy into supporting specific candidates who I think can effect the most change. Krasner is a good example - he has ended cash bail for nonviolent offenses, he has informed the philly police department that he will not prosecute anybody for smaller possession of marijuana charges, in addition to a myriad of other criminal justice reforms. As I don’t live in philly anymore, these are issues that don’t necessarily impact me, but I recognize what a huge difference that can make in many philly residents’ lives.