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kevin_deleon120 karma

Senator Feinstein started her career with the kind of anti-immigrant rhetoric we're used to hearing from President Trump today. It has taken her nearly a quarter-century to catch up to the reality of the situation: that Californians recognize our diversity is also our greatest strength, and we need comprehensive immigration reforms that treat every person with dignity and help bring millions of hardworking people into the formal economy.

Unlike my opponent, I would never vote for 2 wars (Iraq and Afghanistan) that have cost taxpayers trillions of dollars and countless American lives.  I would never vote to try 13 year olds as adults. I would never vote to allow the federal government to spy on American citizens without a judicial warrant, and I would certainly never vote for funding to build a wall on our southern border.

Make no mistake, there's a lot of areas where Senator Feinstein and I agree. We are, after all, both Democrats. I would like to think of myself as the true progressive in this race that understands what California needs today.

kevin_deleon114 karma

My campaign is working to be as transparent as possible. We have returned donations from the private prisons and other industries we feel do not align with our values. We did accept a donation from the Univision PAC, and here's a list of our top contributors grouped according to the companies they work for. But you'll notice that these are all individual contributions, not corporate contributions.


kevin_deleon50 karma

Senator Feinstein's two most significant accomplishments (the assault weapons ban, and the desert protection act) were passed within the first two years of her arrival on Capitol Hill in the early 90's. She was a freshman senator at the time and accomplished something significant. All of the seniority she has today means nothing unless she's willing to use it, and so far, she's used it to confirm 60% of Trump's judicial nominees and play by polite country club rules that have consistently disadvantaged Democrats when dealing with Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump.

Sens. Cory Booker and Kamala Harris, both freshman senators on the Senate Judiciary Committee, have fought with the courage of their convictions against Brett Kavanaugh. Dianne Feinstein has been far too polite.

kevin_deleon50 karma

Incumbents have a lot of advantages. They get a ton of institutional support, they oftentimes have large war-chests, and they are surrounded and protected by a system designed to keep them in power. In the U.S. Senate, incumbency and seniority can be extremely powerful – but only if you use it. One of the reasons I’m running is because I don’t believe Dianne Feinstein has used her incumbency and seniority to adequately confront Donald Trump and his agenda.

kevin_deleon47 karma

Yes! I helped pass the California Net Neutrality bill. These are the strongest net neutrality protections for consumers in the nation, and we wrote it knowing that Jeff Sessions' Department of Justice would sue us. I say bring it on.