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kevinyuill1 karma

I'm aware that I am monopolizing this thread, but I have so many questions. Again, to press you, are you not setting out two categories by legalizing assisted suicide - those whose lives we deem to be valuable enough to prevent their suicides and those whose lives are less valuable and, therefore, we will assist them?

kevinyuill1 karma

So you want to judge whether other people are really suffering or not? Isn't suffering completely subjective? How can we (especially in law) distinguish between "genuine" suffering and the kind you get over? Rather than leave the decision entirely up to the individual, is there not a patronising assumption within legalization of assisted suicide and euthanasia that doctor still knows best?

kevinyuill1 karma

Where exactly do you think the "line" should be drawn? Should a 21-year old lovelorn person be assisted in their suicide?

kevinyuill1 karma

If it is a medical treatment, you are right - how can we refuse it to prisoners? But does that not also imply it would be cruel to not allow children similar "treatment"?

kevinyuill1 karma

Would you similarly support capital punishment for those prisoners who welcome it? 11% of prisoners do not contest their capital sentences. If they are suffering, presumably you support their right to die, too.