Highest Rated Comments

kikiwas8756 karma

How were you able to go from straight D's to being successful?

kikiwas873 karma

I'm always watching Mythbusters re-runs! (Also, the show was an absolute lifesaver when I was in undergrad taking a required physics class. Y'all explained certain concepts that made it easy for me to understand)!

Anyway, do you play any kind of apps or online games where you may have encountered us regular folk?

Have you finished your bucket list?

Thank you!

kikiwas872 karma

A couple of questions!

Of all the things you've done, what made you do special effects/television? Are there any myths you WON'T test for whatever reason?

Thank you for answering!

kikiwas872 karma

Which stunts are the hardest to pull off?

kikiwas871 karma

I was turned on to your work several years ago when a professor assigned Blink as one of our course materials in an undergrad class.

What is something you would like to research, but haven't yet?

Thank you for answering!