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kindaskinnydude4 karma

As someone who discovered Simon's music back when Are You Shpongled first came out, it's been very entertaining and marvelous watching your life's work, if it is, grow and evolve so much! You're music helped me evolve positively, in my own ways, through various dark instances of my life and especially during psychedelical influenced episodes :::P I suppose my biggest question would have to be for you Simon, is how much has changed since you're early days compared to the success you've been gaining with grand momentum these last 4 years, for you?(your red rocks show completely enthralled everyone!, and you're show in dallas month's before that was such an awesome sneak peak to the grandiose that was the rocks) To me going from obscurity to legend status would blow me away and im pretty curious to readr your thoughts on it!

kindaskinnydude2 karma

Also, to tommy, the themes of occultism that are prevalent in much of the work of bear's, are they present due to the belief's you all share, or are they thrown in for "good fun" and to yank boundaries around? I'm very curious on that matter! You're show at mystik in okc was wonderful, you guys jammed it out in the cold ass rain to all of us rednecky okies! Much appreciated for that show!

kindaskinnydude2 karma

Thats..uhh dissappointing to say the least. A tour with you, ott, and the rest of twisted would be amazing but this just dashed that hope haha

kindaskinnydude2 karma

As a follow up question if you have time, were you present during the storm of waka '13? I know you were supposed to go on at like 2am but sts9 was cancelled before that and then the insanity ensued from mother natures seemingly migraine headache she had that year. If you were what was your opinion on how the fest handled the situation and how you did as well? Sorry if that's asking too much! Much love!