Highest Rated Comments

kingcreon272 karma

Do most women in North Korea wait until they are married to have sex or do teenagers and unwed couples sometimes engage in sex? Are women expected to only have been with one man? Are there rules or customs about sexual activity that might be different in the west?

kingcreon36 karma

I am very interested in North Korea. I have three questions.

  1. Have you met American defector James Dresnok? He lives in Pyongyang, I believe. What do North Koreans think of the American defectors?
  2. Did you ever see the Great Leader (Kim il sung or Kim Jong il) in person? What was it like?
  3. Do you have any stories at all of anyone openly defying the party, the Kims, or the regime and the repercussions?

kingcreon11 karma

How many people have you banged?

kingcreon2 karma

This is an AMA. I can ask you ANYTHING.

kingcreon2 karma

Not saying I agree with it, but how do you respond to the argument that libertarians should focus on reforming the Republican party instead of splitting the capitalist vote?