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kingoober28 karma

Thank you! I wish more people were like you. I have argued this thesis to many people and everyone thinks I'm crazy (I live in 'murica). When it comes down to it, the war on drugs is a trumped up moral issue. I would love to live in a world were there is no such thing as addiction, but that's now a feasible reality. Addicts are still going to be addicts just like teens are still going to have sex. The only thing we can do is to promote awareness rather than restraint. Take a minute to imagine a world were drugs are legal:

There would be no gang violence because drugs would be regulated instead of being controlled by cartels. You take away the cartels' power when you take away their exclusivity over a product.

Overdose (at least in heroin) is mostly caused by the product being cut with toxic substances in order to gain yield a greater profit. No longer would this occur because the drug would be a pure dosage.

By the time a drug reaches "the streets," the price has increased tenfold due to the expensive process of running a drug from it's country of source thru many other middle country to the country of its destination. Every time it crosses a border, the price of a drug is increased. In a world where drugs are regulated, drugs are deflate in price, in correlation, addicts Are able to afford their habit. They don't have to steal or prostitute themselves for their next hit. There can be such a thing as a functioning addict. Addiction comes in many forms; we just don't realize it for the most part because our habit isn't prohibited.

You reduce the spread of disease!

People are also less likely to try drugs because you reduce the allure of "the forbidden fruit."

You reduce government spending on cops, judges, courts, prisons, probation officers, etc. on a failed war. These addicts are repeat offenders no amount of prohibition is going to stop them from getting their hit.

There is such a thing as coexisiting in a peaceful world with drugs, please don't let your morals overrule your logic.

Edit: several words typing on a phone sucks