Highest Rated Comments

kitanaor1 karma

This killed my first husband at age 35. He was born with pulmonary stenosis (youngest patient to have open-heart surgery at 2 days old). Things seemed fine, but he probably should have been seeing a cardiologist more often.

Suddenly, he had a heart attack and I couldn't save him. We had a kid under 5 and a baby.

His older sibling got checked out. The kids have to go in for periodic checkups with a cardiologist. First kid was born with pulmonary stenosis, but grew out of it. Second kid had to check with their cardiologist before getting ADD meds and we keep them away from caffeine.

And because of all this, the baby I'm carrying now has to have extra fetal echocardiograms even though it has a different father.

I'm sorry about the death of your brother, but glad you found out sooner than later.

What have your doctors advised about the COVID vaccine?

kitanaor1 karma

It's been 10 years and as I'm sure you know, time can't heal all, but it helps. Thanks for letting me know about the vaccine. I'm super worried about the kids getting it just because of the heart stuff. I guess if someone with HCM can get it, then those with only the potential should be fine. Was your mom worried about it like me?