Highest Rated Comments

kittenbarista228 karma

Thanks for sharing with us today. What is your go-to quote that helps you deal with crappy days?

kittenbarista103 karma

We have something in common...two actually. "Fuck it" which is usually followed by "it could be worse". I think life is easier the more fucks are said.

Again thanks for sharing.

kittenbarista2 karma

You are amazing. Thank you so much for your service for my freedom.

My only question I have is can you forgive us? We are horrible more times that we want to be....

Again, thank you.

kittenbarista1 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA. Why this? Out of the million and one fields what gotcha?

I read books like your book and love how it shows on a large scale what I do on a small scale. Drill sergeants and small businesses owners can usually tell you who stay, go, and worth training. I love knowing the future just be listening to my employees talk. I don't have to read your mind I just have to listen ...we are a cafe so no computer monitoring hating :).

Again, thanks so much. I can't wait to read all the posts and your book.