Highest Rated Comments

kjetulf50 karma

How is metal and punk viewed by most people in Pakistan? In Norway, where I'm from, it is pretty misunderstood by most, just wondered if there's more or less acceptance over there?

edit: Of course, "most people" is a broad category. Define it as you wish, or flesh out the differences between different "most peoples" if you wish :)

kjetulf12 karma

I really hope you don't feel like it's you justifying staying together with him. I mean, I am from superliberal Norway, but the first thing I thought after reading the title was "Of course she's staying with him - the guy had problems and as all people a negative side, but that shouldn't ruin a so beautiful thing as a loving marriage - I'm sure the guy is amazing except for his skeleton in the closet.

kjetulf6 karma

Hi, Ragnar!

I have since the beginning of Kickstarter wondered whether or not it's actually going to work out for the pledged games - this is why:

  1. 850,000 dollars may seem like a lot of money, but it isn't really at all when it comes to making of entertainment. AAA titles often have tens of millions of dollar-budgets and even hundreds of millions at times. Dreamfall itself had a 5-6 million budget1.
  2. We haven't actually seen many successfully pledged games arrive yet(except for a few, FTL, woo!), but the bigger projects haven't arrived yet for sure. We don't really know how much time and cost it actually takes etc.
  • How do you think it will be like having a sixth of the budget of Dreamfall and still trying to make a successor that can surpass the predecessor?
  • Are you kinda relying on breaking the 850 000 dollars with a lot, or do you find 850k to be a realistic amount of money to complete the game in a satisfactory way?

Also, unrelated to the kickstarter questions - which 'localization' is your favorite from the previous games - the norwegian or the english one(or maybe a completely different one)?

<Obligatorisk norsk setning for å få opperksomhet for at vi begge er norske>

kjetulf6 karma



edit: oh, i know metal can't be blamed for the actions of individuals. just being sillilililli