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klous99694 karma

I would pay to see Top Gun redone by the Archer cast, that season 5 trailer was too good!

klous999 karma

"GMO" information is not useful and people don't understand GMO to begin with.

That's not your decision to make though. So far in this thread I've seen the majority of detractors from this bill being Americans in support of GMO on the basis that there arn't any hard facts proving that it is harmful. That's well and good for them, but it seems like the people of Vermont would like to be aware of what food contains GMO.

Whether or not you think it's useful isn't a factor in the arguement unless you're A: a supreme court judge, or B: a resident of Vermont.

EDIT: Grammar

klous996 karma

Much of the corrupion in Eastern bloc countries isn't a remant from the Soviet Union, but rather from the power gap left by its dissolution. Putin centralizing Russia's industries is a prime example of this.

klous994 karma

With Russia the economy would stay relatively stable, the EU is increasing in volatility annually, and with the UK on the brink of leaving there's no telling how effective the EU could be at delivering on promised deals to Ukraine.

klous994 karma

Propoganda plain and simple. You refuse to believe the possibility of fascist elements amung the protestors because it's inconvenient. The government's corrupt attempt at hiring faux protestors is verified, but pointing to that doesn't dismiss the original accusation.