Highest Rated Comments

km11lj2 karma

thanks, yo. ╰(◉ᾥ◉)╯

km11lj2 karma

Hello! I'm currently wrapping up my BDes in Industrial Design with a goal to apply to one of MIT Media Lab's graduate programs.

After doing some research with some friends... we realized that most of the current students in your programs have TWO bachelor degrees. One that is arts based, and another which is very STEM heavy.

Even though there is a huge support for MOOCs and open learning, is it possible to be accepted into an MIT Media lab graduate program based on self directed learning in personal STEM skill development and one bachelor degree in a creative field?

You probably get admission questions all the time. So feel free to ignore.

Also is there an open house for those interested in applying?

km11lj1 karma

What is your favourite food?

km11lj1 karma

What is Pornaoke?

km11lj1 karma

What kind of music did you spin as a DJ? Any playlists available online 2 the public? :V