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knbknb8 karma

I know that JvN was immensely productive. But is it still worthwhile to read his original works? For comparison, I also like Newton's works, for example, but I still do not read Newtons original works either. Are there any of his works that are particularly original, well witten and understandable for mere mortals?

knbknb8 karma

I remember that a philosophy professor called John von Neumann the smartest person who has ever lived. Do you think so too?

When was the decade when JvN was most productive?

Someone said that JvN grew up in Hungary in a trilingual household, learning Hungarian, Hebrew and German- from a very young age on . These languages are different as it gets. Do you think this would be a reinforcing factor boosting his intelligence?

Which areas of science that he invented (or was productive in) did you study so far? Which ones did you have to omit because the field is so different?

knbknb7 karma

Once I read on the Internet that the late Richard Feynman was skeptical of the concept of "complexity research" . Do you think he changed his mind to a certain degree after encountering your ideas? Is this mentioned in your new 'Idea Makers' book?

knbknb7 karma

Which ink color is the most problematic? Which color has the (potentially) most toxic ingredients ? Which color the most difficult to remove (surgically with lasers)?

knbknb7 karma

Is the ocean acidification rate (= atmospheric CO2 dissolves in the seawater) slowing or accelerating? How long can it continue without becoming a major problem to humanity?