Highest Rated Comments

knutella98 karma

Is there/will there be plans to have Jamaica compete in the Winter Olympics again? If so, are you helping out with that?

knutella5 karma

How did the concept of the podcast come about?

Was there really a goose in the studio during the Ben Schwartz episode?

How do we save summah? Is Obama to blame?

knutella5 karma

From the AmA replies alone, Maboo comes off as a real jabroni. The other guys not so much.

knutella1 karma

  1. Your show is a lot like Doctor Who. Consider watching some of the series before moving any further. I can't help but get the feeling that you are blind to a lot of the shows similar to your premise. Personally, I would have Googled "time traveling partners" and looked at how others approached the subject.

  2. Don't be so optimistic. I wish you the best on your endeavor, but for the sake of your vision, THIS NEEDS TO BE ANIMATED. You said yourself that you didn't like the quality of the material SyFy was churning out. Well, i think your gonna be in the same boat as them if you plan on working with that budget.

knutella1 karma

Is it true that money over academics holds some truth when it comes to admission acceptance? Maybe that's grad school more so than undergrad, but what do I know?