Highest Rated Comments

komalhemani184 karma

Who's the funniest person on the Parks and Rec set?

komalhemani32 karma

Is there a dream role that you would absolutely love to play? Or is there any actor or actress in particular that you really want to work with?

PS, I love you and thank you for doing this AMA!

komalhemani2 karma

Hello, fine sir,

What is the strangest fan interaction you have ever had?

komalhemani1 karma

Mr. Offerman,

Since this is a forum to ask you anything, what is the weirdest thing that has happened on set? Was there anything that was so crazy or strange that you guys would rather not bring it up? If so, I think this is the time to fess up.

Also, your mustache is magnificent.

komalhemani1 karma

What caused or inspired you to start acting in the first place?

Oh and do you still keep in touch with your Fresh Prince family?