Highest Rated Comments

kop5005002 karma

Hi Shane, I'm a huge fan. You are the reason I started writing spoken word poetry, and I've been performing them at coffee shops for a few months now. I lay no claim to how good these pieces are, and I'm certainly never going to be able to transpose the human condition into language anywhere near as masterfully as you, but do you have any advice for a starving author that's just starting out? (sidenote, you've had a huge impact on my writing, as now I write about the beauty of life rather than pointing out the inevitability and tragedy of death)

kop5005002 karma

What is your favorite piece that you've done, and what is your favorite piece from another author? Also, who got you started writing, and who do you view as a role model?

kop5005002 karma

When are you going on tour in America? (Make sure you stop by Wichita, KS. Any of the colleges would love to have you. Especially Cowley County Community College. We're huge fans down here!)

kop5005002 karma

Do you have any acting experience? Or do are we just hearing raw emotion whenever you perform a piece?