Highest Rated Comments

koruwa3 karma

What kind of repair services do you offer? Is it strictly PC repairs or do you guys do console repairs/modifications too?

koruwa3 karma

OMG I wish I were in your area so I could check it out. Definitely sounds like an awesome place to work.

Were the retro systems your personal consoles or did you guys go out and find them?

Thanks for posting those pictures! I hope I can do something similar. I wish you the best of luck!

koruwa3 karma

Could you give a rough estimate on your hardware and software numbers? How many PC rigs, consoles, and games do you guys have?

Reading all your responses in here really makes me want to quit my job and start something similar :D

koruwa2 karma

I'd like to know this as well. I would love nothing more than to quit my job and do something like this....