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krilld11 karma

Hi Thomas, I've recently taken up home brewing, brewed six Pale Ales and although only the last two have tasted any good, I love brew day and the results!

I bought myself a Secondary Fermenter for my latest Pale Ale, but, I have been reading some very mixed reviews on the topic.

What are your thoughts in regards to Secondary Fermentation?

[EDIT] For anyone lurking and wondering about Secondary Fermentation Id like to summarise some comments. 1) keep your fermenters at a constant temperature as best you can. 2) keep an eye on Final Gravity during 4-14 days to know when Fermentation is complete (drop in airlock bubbling and 2-3 days of constant gravity means the yeast is done) 3) clean and sanitise everything going into your Primary Fermenter and Secondary Fermenter 4) if available, purge your Secondary Fermenter with CO2 (this can be done with large CO2 tank or small Soda Chargers 5) Secondary Fermentation should only be done if ,but not explicitly, to dry hop or add other flavours. 5) prevent oxidisation by keeping the syphon tube deep in Secondary Fermenter.

krilld5 karma

Berry Beer. How exotic!

The Yeast Cake has hurt a couple of my previous brews I think... Generally speaking, how long should the beer be left in the Primary Fermenter? I've read a few different things: a) one to two weeks or b) when the AirLock bubbling reduces to 2 - 5 bubbles per minute.

I want to Dry Hop this batch...

krilld4 karma

What!? Link

krilld1 karma

Mine. But when I point out a taste to my mates they agree. It's still good because its beer but it could be better.

krilld1 karma

Haha yeah but it's so important to be clean!

Use sanitiser in your airlock...

Good luck to you too!