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kunomchu879 karma

Grant, do people mistake you for that asian guy on walking dead? When Walking Dead came on, I kept thinking you were glen. I'm asian and no I don't think all asians look the same.

kunomchu62 karma

As a Chinese, we don't eat anything raw. Especially not chicken feet. Chicken feet is used in a popular dim sum dish called phoenix claws. The feet are deep fried and then stir fried with spicy black bean sauce. The skin, cartilage are very soft and really should fall off easily off the bone. Its actually quite popular in the states.

kunomchu44 karma

Hey Shane. I'm interested in knowing if you are trained in self defense whether it be ninjitsu, archery, or MacGuyver shit. I love vice videos but I always feel the real danger in your videos. You guys and gals are doing great work, putting to light many issues.

kunomchu12 karma

You lived in South China right? What is the dim sum experience there like? Whats your favorite dim sum?

kunomchu12 karma

Did you have any preventive care before you were diagnosed? I'm 28 and I went in for a physical because I'm always scared that something will go wrong someday. I'm a dude and I'm not ashamed or embarrassed to tell my doc anything. I just got my first prostate exam. Colon cancer runs in my family so I'm checking it out early. Good luck to you man and thanks for sharing.