Highest Rated Comments

kurrimasta2 karma

What do you make of Clifford Gaddy's conjecture that Russian intelligence may be behind the Panama Papers? He is a pretty astute Putin scholar, and claims this information damages Cameron and Ukraine's PM more than Putin, as it only deals with $2bn of his wealth rather than the much larger amount


kurrimasta1 karma

Hey Mr. Wiseman, I am making a documentary about Charles Townes, the Berkeley scientist that invented the laser, and his wife of 73 years Frances. I admire your documentaries and am grateful you spent so much time at Berkeley. You can see my trailer here: https://vimeo.com/113455358

Any way you can help me get this film done? This is my first feature and I can use experienced guidance.



kurrimasta-2 karma

As a fellow Indian, why do you have to suck so badly? Folks like you, Nikki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Ricky Gill...the worst