Highest Rated Comments

kylkim32 karma

The conclusion made from the Stanford Prison Experiment have been criticized on the grounds of the "prisoners" and "guards" acting out stereotypes based on the expectations the researchers had. Basically the students already knew what kind of results they would/should get before the experiment even begun.

kylkim21 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA

Do you have or have you ever had a sensation of a phantom limb where your right hand would have been? How do/did you adjust to it?

I'm asking, because I've heard that the brain has a certain image of the body from birth, which might not reflect the reality of the body. I would like to hear your first hand experience on the matter. EDIT: PUN NOT INTENDED!

Edit: Have you tried mirror box therapy? Any thoughts or fears about it?

kylkim4 karma

I'm guessing the fusion leads to atrophy of some muscles. Could you describe how that feels, did you notice significant changes in the contour of muscles in your back? Also, is exercise enough to open up those knots, or do you need to get help for them?
Thanks for doing this AMA, you're inspirational!