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labtc3 karma

Also a FDA here. And wasting time between checkout time and check in time. I've worked in some VERY large hotels/resorts and some smaller ones. I'm currently at a smaller 88 room property in a Canadian provincial capital. So we are pretty busy most of the time.

I've got a few big pet peeves from doing this for so long and I was wondering what yours are? One of my big ones is taking a reservation on the phone and the person on the phone doesn't have any of the information I need, like their credit card for example, so I have to wait for 5 minutes until they dig it out of their purse. Anyway I was wondering what little things like that consistently annoy you?

labtc3 karma

Or they want a specific room type on a specific floor away from the elevator but close to the ice machine and not at the end of the hall. IF we even have any rooms that fit that description someone is probably already in it, and I don't care if you made your reservation 5 years ago, we assign rooms on the day you check in, someone who checked in 2 days ago is already in it.

labtc2 karma

I've had to do it a few times at a few different properties. Usually if we are like 1 room short of a perfect fill or something.

labtc2 karma

Oh yes! That's bad. And when I have to ask you to say your credit card number for the third time maybe you should slow the hell down. And when they wait after every 4 numbers for me to say something... like I don't need you to go that slow either! I've just had my 4th person today ask me where the restaurant is, just once I'd love to say, "You see this 6 foot sign right next to where I'm standing with the squiggly lines all over it. Well follow the arrow that says restaurant and you'll probably find it. Failing that you could also turn around, it's directly behind you."