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lacienega347 karma

You were friends with Michael Jackson, weren't you?

lacienega71 karma

Two days after Michael died he showed up at an awards show with some half dressed skank, an MJ impersonator, and was promoting his record label, demanding money for interviews. Just unreal. He forced Michael to hire a manager in 2009 who was some shady rat who'd been sued already just so he could get a cut from his new shows, and he called up journalists to throw out stories at the time to make Michael paranoid about his other managers, so Mike hired him for like a week before getting someone else to fire him, because even at the age of 50 Michael was still too scared to say no to his father. Brooke Shields has described him as the devil incarnate. Katherine once told someone he'd never die, because evil never does.

lacienega36 karma

I've heard that. He used to let the local school children come in and use his zoo for like field trips. I remember in the 80s before Neverland his manager's young daughter Belinda was doing show and tell and wanted to borrow one of MJ's pets to use, instead MJ went to the school personally and brought along Bubbles/his python with him and helped show it to her class himself.

lacienega36 karma

Here's some interviews he's done before about MJ:


lacienega35 karma

That's actually what Lovitz's story was about, an interview between Lovitz and Miko Brando, Marlon's son:

Lovitz: It was a beautiful place. And I think the thing that most people don't understand about Michael, the thing that's most misunderstood was his generosity, and people think, "How could someone be THAT generous and not have an ulterior motive?" But he didn't. Three times a month - and Michael would not be there - they would have schools going up there, and he said, you have to provide supervision for the kids and transportation up to the ranch, and they would provide everything else. They would get up there, these kids would get on a train ride that was a replica of the one they had at Disneyland. They'd see all the animals, they'd go on the amusement rides, they'd have a big picnic lunch, they'd go to the movie theater which sat 88 kids, they'd have all the candy and food they wanted... three times a month for no charge. I got to send up a whole orphanage, called Hollygrove, which Marilyn Monroe had been at, it's an orphanage at Hollywood that's been there for years. I got to send up a bunch of orphans. And one time at 2 days notice I called up Michael's assistant, Evvy and I said, "Can I send these kids up there?" These 12 kids, and sadly these kids had cancer and they were dying. And she said, "Yes, absolutely." Two days notice and I sent them up there. And all these kids said, it was the best day of their life. And I remember I got to meet Michael and tell him this and said, "You should know what you've done for these kids. You've given them the best day of their life by letting them go to Neverland, I want to thank you and you should know this." And he said, "Well, that's what it's there for." And he was just such a generous guy. I got to stay up there, and how generous was he to let me stay up there. You invited me and I mean, I stayed there for the weekend, like a vacation.

Miko: He was very generous.

Lovitz: All the food, I must've gained ten pounds every weekend. And I remember he called me and said, "Jon Lovitz you gotta stop eating so much, I'll go broke."

Miko: Let me... before I forget... talking about Michael Jackson, remember, you and I used to spend weekends and hang out and you wrote in his guest book at the ranch and you wrote something. I never read it because it was...

Lovtiz: You got married there.

Miko: No, I don't think it was that time. It was another...

Lovitz: It was.

Miko: It was after that, remember.

Lovitz: So, I wrote in his guest book.

Miko: It's my story, let me finish it. (laugh) And you wrote something, and it was really touching, and he read it a few days later, and he mentioned it to me, and he was really touched by what you wrote. But he mentioned it to me several times, like, when he'd be talking to me and asking me what I was doing, "Oh, I'm with Jon." and he goes, "Oh I remember what he wrote in my book." He really remembered what you wrote. With all the people that had been up at that ranch and had written in the guest book, he always brings up your name.

Lovitz: Well, I could tell you what I wrote.

Miko: No, I don't mean to share, I just mean...

Lovitz: I just -

Miko: No, I don't wanna hear it. (laugh)

Lovitz: Then what'd you bring it up for you big... (laugh)

Miko: 'Cause we were talking about Michael and...

Lovitz: What I wrote was... which was true. I remember being there and I'm pretty sure it was your wedding. It may be after that. But we were all dressed up and everything, and we got to stay there, and everyone got out of their tuxedos, and just put jeans and sweatshirts on at night, and he said, you have free run of the place, you can go on the rides or theaters and... I remember being there and after about half an hour, it literally made me feel like I was 10 years old again. And it brought me right back to that excitement of being 10, and it's the summer and you're running around with your friends at an amusement park, or whatever, and you're playing Capture the Flag. Just that complete freedom of youth, of no responsibilities, it just all came rushing back. And I wrote, "Thank you for letting me relive my childhood with a night at Neverland." That's what it felt like, like I was running around and, it was just incredible, and so nice.

Caller asks bout Marlon's favorite film role of his own movies.

Miko: It was actually "Burn." Michael had actually been asking about it, we'd both went to the TV room, and I remember they would go over "Burn" together, and they would go over the scene and he would give Michael step by step what he thought were his best scenes.