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ladyO262 karma


What do you look for most when casting your films?

ladyO262 karma

Children cannot consent. Nor are they physically or mentally prepared for sex. It is a form of torturous abuse, and I’m not being hyperbolic. Please don’t do that.

ladyO262 karma

Thanks for doing this. What are your thoughts on the INSYS Therapeutics scandal? How can legitimate patients safeguard against being over prescribed?

ladyO261 karma

Feliz Navidad! What advice do you have for dealing with Christians who don’t seem very... Christian? I’m Catholic, my boyfriend agnostic, and his parents and Presbyterian. I follow Jesus’ teachings of humility, kindness, forgiveness, and leadership-by-example (or I try to, anyway,) but my devout in-laws seem to spew hatred or enmity against others... I can’t reconcile their animosity towards certain groups (African-Americans, liberals.) Thanks!!

ladyO261 karma

Thanks for this - What are bedrock principles/best foundations to implement growth and change? What’re the first and best steps to form new habits in order to effect permanent change?