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larkinlove63 karma

Your mom's. It's ok. She said I could help myself.

larkinlove54 karma

I was a strange kid. I was intense. In high school, I was the weirdest kid in school as well as the most popular. I was friends with everyone. No one really knew me all that well. I had lavish parties at my parents house, because they were insanely permissive. I broke dress code rules all the time. I got straight A's and played bass in the orchestra. I won a lot of medals at French language tournaments. I sold vicodin and weed. I was very goth. I wore a wig to school every day because my real hair was blue, and colored hair was against the rules. I hid a nose ring behind my glasses, which I wore on a beaded chain like an old lady. I wore very provocative clothing and flirted with all my peers, male and female. My senior year, I got voted to both Homecoming and Prom court - as a duchess both times. I wasn't Queen, but damn close. I remember being lonely a lot of the time. I cut myself a lot. My depression consumed me at times. I would sneak out of my parents house and disappear for days at a time. I went to a lot of raves and got totally gonked on ecstasy. I won writing scholarships. I chain smoked.

I had a white Ford Aerostar van that used to be my parent's family car (four kids in the famly). I got my license at 15 and was the youngest kid in school with her own car. The bench seats in the back flattened out to a full size bed. The windows of the van were tinted. Dozens of the students of my high school lost their virginity in that van, both male and female. I got laid a few times a week, if I was lucky. Or at least fooled around.

College wasn't much different, except I had my own dorm room (and later, apartment) where I could bang whoever I wanted whenever I wanted. Socially, I was the same. So was my style of dress. I was also pretty depressed then.

I'm more or less the same now, actually. I'm the same weirdo goth girl with the charismatic extroverted exterior. Minus some of the depression. I have a wonderful life I've built for myself. Oh, and I don't smoke anymore, except when I'm drunk. Still hypersexual, but smarter about it, and I've built some lasting relationships which are worth everything in the world to me. I've grown up, but I haven't really changed.

larkinlove53 karma

Holy shit, blast from the past. How's it going? And how did you end up in my dirty corner of the internet?

larkinlove43 karma

We never dated, but you sure gave me some good foot worship!

larkinlove40 karma

I appreciate you not posting those photos. However, I would love to get some copies of them from you. I lost all of mine years ago when my laptop was stolen! It would mean a lot to me. Email me: larkin@larkinlove.com and I'll give you my personal email and we'll talk and stuff.

Miss you!