Highest Rated Comments

latenightlurk2476 karma

mmhm. yeah. mmhm. I know some of these words.

latenightlurk586 karma

Best of luck with your journey! Stay hopeful and strong!

latenightlurk336 karma

But but but, most people who read blogs don't have a landline and hence are not included in the polls.

EDIT: Apparently Gallup polls now include cell phones. They started doing so in January of 2008. So I guess BLOG BLOG BLOG!

Source: "Gallup includes cell phones in each national Gallup poll. Gallup has been including cell phone-only households in all national telephone Gallup polls since January 2008. Further, cell phone-only households are now as likely to fall into national Gallup polls samples as those living in traditional landline households." http://www.gallup.com/poll/110383/does-gallup-call-cell-phones.aspx

latenightlurk288 karma

tl;dr hero