Highest Rated Comments

layendecker48 karma

Pretty sure you did a job for my company! For a live events project we had a 2 foot Buffalo made up, and a load of little ones to hand out as freebies- the full sized one had to be moved around a few times per day, something I refused to do...

Which leads me to my first question - what is the biggest and most dramatic break you have witnessed of a Lego structure you have built?

Also, as an old school lego nerd, what are your opinons on the ever expanding line of specialist shapes available? Are you a bricks only purist or do you embrace the creative possibilities that these new and unique shapes represent?

Thanks for the AMA.. I very rarely ask questions, but one of my long-serving obsessions is Lego- congratulations on being one of the very few people who makes a career decision at 5 years old and sticks with it!

Also everything looks pretty amazing on your web side, but if you need any help or advice (for free) in the murky world of web marketing then feel free to give me a message. I specialise in video content creation and SEO and always have time to answer questions or give advice to good businesses.

layendecker23 karma

Plants vs. Zombies

layendecker6 karma

Wasn't the Carmageddon racecar just a Radical SR3 RS? You can pick them up for about £30k, unsure about what modifications he added, but it is not unrealistic that Batwick financed it himself