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lazor-of-razor3 karma

Do you actively search for ways prion's could be used in a productive way? I have looked into a few global studies of red meat consumption in general that could be related to cancer, most Americans eat about 20% to 15% over what is actually needed for dietary protein intake. With that being said, what do you believe your research should be used for? If Prion producing cows are detected, how are they detected and later dealt with? I think people in general need to rethink their diets, so is the recent exposure to Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease a reason of concern to the american public that could cause a reconsideration of their animal protein intake? EDIT: I like meat :) but i think some enjoy it to the point of glutony

lazor-of-razor3 karma

I did not have a choice in my circumcision as I was circumcised as a baby. I resent the decision made by my parents to go through with this, as I believe it robbed me of a large amount of sensation and healthy development due to the nature of my cut. As this decision was made in religious belief it further frustrates me due to not believing in their faith. My question, or rather curiosity on the subject, is there any progress in stem cell research that could regrow the foreskin and help with a renewal of healthy development and growth?