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leastcmplicated2 karma

Did she receive an actual ballot or an application for a ballot? I’ve seen this posted so many times and every time it’s just an application, not an actual ballot.

leastcmplicated2 karma

What will happen to these “poll watchers”? This is a clear intimidation tactic and will no doubt shy some would-be voters away. Is anything being done to monitor these poll watchers to guarantee voters’ safety and fear?

leastcmplicated1 karma

If one candidate wins the majority of the citizens votes in your state, whats stopping the electoral votes from being cast for the other candidate?

leastcmplicated1 karma

Is there a way officials are making sure mail in ballots get to their destination? I know there are precautions we should take, such as not giving our ballot to someone else to mail, and I also know that you can check the status of your ballot. However, my question is for those ballots that are in transit.