Highest Rated Comments

legdrag11 karma

That's a very wrong thing to say on several different levels.

I don't know what caused you to take your anger out on this lady, but it's not ok and you should do better in the future.

legdrag5 karma

Is it odd to you that your stalker/bully is female fixated on a female when most of the stalkers and harassers are males fixated on a female?

What are the big things that you believe are needed to change legally for this type of thing to be more effectively dealt with?

legdrag3 karma

In your explorations of beer, what snacks or light foods tend to go with what beers?

I accidentally found out that I like salted cucumber slices with Spaten Optimator. The flavor combination is particularly nice.

legdrag1 karma

How do you keep the footwork and observation skills for the soldier-related activities and the MMA-related activities separate in your head and preventing one from cluttering the other up?

legdrag1 karma

Who on the Dinky Ninja team is next to really break out and shine? What do they do very well in particular?

When fighting/sparring hard, how often do you find yourself setting things up versus taking the opportunities as they pop up?