Highest Rated Comments

lenut2 karma

Dam maybe try having a kid free weekend to medicate once a month.

Im glad to have not offended you tho.

Im at a point when if I feel depression creeping back in I will get some use it up and im back to normal.

If your wife is ok with you using for your condition she may support the monthly weekend.

I hope you beat this I have family with it I know its no walk in the park.

lenut2 karma

Have you considered trying marijuana a few studys were done which showed it helped and even cured it.

I personally used it for depression and cured it I had it for 11 years.

lenut2 karma

She could see if she could be transferred. Best of luck tho

lenut0 karma

Could you make blue marijuana?

lenut-1 karma

I love the site when will it be back there is no site like yours easy to use with great quality video.