Highest Rated Comments

lilshebeast3 karma

She's quietly badass :)

I'm glad you're making headway without medication for your pain, but I hope you never fall into a mindset where you think it makes you "weak" - as much as I hate stereotyping, I have known a couple of male friends who did this, to the detriment of their quality of life. (Different medical issues.)

And yes, with medicinal marijuana, the future is looking much brighter in so many ways. US is ahead of the curve compared to here, being Aus.

Good luck!

lilshebeast2 karma

I know someone with it, and she sometimes has to wear morphine patches. She is amazing though, and often just puts up with the pain - so that she can continue working as a nurse. (Seriously, she's superwoman.)

Is pain medication something you have to be concerned about? Do your doctors try to keep you away from the harder narcotics because of the addictive potential and your age (since there's no cure, and eventually tolerance makes pain meds less effective)?

Or do you manage your pain in other ways?

Thanks in advance!

lilshebeast2 karma

Ah! See, that part I didn't know. Thanks heaps for the info.

I'm sorry if your allergy makes pain management more difficult. But I'm glad you're less at risk for certain addictions.

lilshebeast1 karma

I'm so glad you've got good doctors. So in this case, what's your take on medicinal marijuana? Is it an option, have you tried etc?

I don't think opiate dependence is avoidable in some instances, but I just dislike it because of the side effects. I'd rather someone takes pain meds than lives in agony, no one deserves to suffer. (2 grandpas with cancer, terminal at diagnosis... in case you wondered why I'm so curious at this point!)

I'm sorry to hear you've got other issues too, but hope options become available that include relief and quality of life.