Highest Rated Comments

linethatshitup2 karma

Thank you.

Yes, Minecraft was the gateway, were currently using Unity to participate in online game jams. That's a really good point about playing what's made - I normally advise from a distance, but should be playing too. Thanks!

linethatshitup2 karma

What advice would you give to the parent of a pre-teen, who's absolutely nuts about making games, game-design, programming and playing?

They've a talent and knack (from my v. limited perspective), how do I support, encourage and engage without being pushy? (ie. balance of playing vs. creating).

Any pointers from your experience on the 'making side' gratefully received.

linethatshitup1 karma

What advice that you wished somebody had given you, would you now give to a budding 14 year old game developer who's already developing his own games?