Highest Rated Comments

lividimp72 karma

Can you help my son with his chemistry homework for $0.30 a minute?

lividimp29 karma

Why would you hate to admit that? Just makes you sound human to me.

lividimp24 karma

This is a man who has been out knocking on doors

If you mean this literally, I can't believe that no one has knocked his dumb ass out by now. The balding little pedo best not show up at my door. That would be worth spending a night in jail.

lividimp2 karma



lividimp2 karma

I have to admit, I laughed through that whole article. Not because the subject matter is funny, but because his views are so extreme that it reads like an Onion article. Seriously now, how would the Onion parody this guy? You can't, he's already a self parody.

I guess I can laugh at it because even with all the Trumpanzees, incels, nazis, pedos, etc. this guy doesn't stand a chance in hell of winning even a dog catcher's race.