Highest Rated Comments

lobochan56 karma

What were your feelings after your first kill? Have they changed since?

lobochan14 karma

Mechanical/aerospace engineering student here, graduating in a few months. How does NEXT impact systems integration? (Unique challenges, significant simplifications). Would also really appreciate any advice for a young guy just getting started.

Thanks so much for this awesome AMA!

Edit: I can't spell

lobochan6 karma

Any advice for a soon-to-be aerospace engineering graduate? Working for NASA is a career life goal of mine and I'm curious about the general path that the engineers follow. Thanks for this great AMA!

lobochan3 karma

It's cool to see that you guys enjoy what you do.

lobochan3 karma

Does working on enterprise solutions ever take a toll on you? For skilled developers, it must be tempting to go to a Facebook or similar tech co. where it's all user based and things move very quickly