Highest Rated Comments

loghead1169 karma

That's a very interesting answer.

loghead1128 karma

How much of a d-bag was this guy ?

What do you know about him ?

loghead1120 karma

A Canadian reporter did a back of the envelop study on this. The results were interesting. Have a read.


loghead113 karma

Some of the helicopter guys do make a living off it, but it is very rare. The money certainly isn't in the piloting.

loghead112 karma

Given two options.

An America that is diminished in the world, but where people have freedom and privacy.

An America that is powerful over other nations of the world, but entertains a certain level of fascism and privacy isn't certain.

Do you think this a choice we are currently making, or am I being too simplistic ?

My logic is that a lot of the things we do that are unethical make us as a nation powerful. Given a truly ethical society the US would be hamstrung in relation to other more unethical nations.