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login22882259 karma

Why 40 and 400 instead of 50 and 500?

login22882222 karma

My neighbor brews beer, if he wanted he could make a profit selling it under the table to me. But instead I drink one or 2 when I'm over there and still buy mine at the store.

login2288226 karma

Instead of giving money to PA State Stores, you give money to WalMart and Total Wines

I'm not sure how valid that point is. Why no use that argument for the nationalisation of other goods?

Why bother with a gas tax, Lets just give the state a monopoly so you can only buy gas from state owned filling stations. It would put more money in state coffers.

Why not state owned bakeries, and farms?

I'm not trying to make a slippery slope argument, This is about modern prohibition with another name.

If this was really about where the profit went, just make the licenses only obtainable by non-profit organisations.