Highest Rated Comments

logitec3340 karma

CANN just did an AMA and said this about indica-sativa definition, "Find the right strain or medicinal form for the patient. Out with the indica-sativa designations for medicinal effects, there is no merit to that as it is chemical composition that matters most. Mis-naming and mis-identification a rampant currently. You should seek to offer consistent and standardized products the patients can receive every single time they come in to your dispensary. http://www.esciencecentral.org/journals/cannabinoids-and-terpenes-as-chemotaxonomic-markers-in-cannabis-2329-6836-1000181.php?aid=57624 -Jeff"

What is your opinion?

logitec333 karma

Trader Joes sells a magifescent sriracha bacon jerky. Sweet, spicy, amazing.

logitec332 karma

Why is Verizon and ATT not ALLOWED in my area? We've been told by our city reps that TWC is our only internet option for the future. I live in a newer area with 1,000's of homes and multiple schools planned. All are promised to TWC.

logitec332 karma

Why is it so hard to get match making right on mp games, ie cod aw? Also, why can't they allow people to create their own server on consoles like Xbox one? Servers with a certain games map rotation and enable custom rules and god mod. Why do they make us play mp by what they think we want instead of (like older online PC games) letting you choose the server and rotation/rules you feel like playing. Ultimatly allowing us to control how we play other people...

logitec331 karma

Thanks for all of your response's. It makes me feel a little better being older and trying to keep up with these kids.