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lololZombiedogs5 karma

Thanks, one last question actually. In regards to the foreign fighters coming into to help via joining Lions of Rojava (or if it's possible for you to answer this question in regards to foreign fighters in general) how many are coming because of left-wing principles compared to people who just want to fight ISIS (and perhaps have even right-wing views)? From browsing the web it seems like it's a fair mix.

Thanks in advance.

lololZombiedogs5 karma

Hello I want to just ask some questions about the ideological climate in Rojava.

In contrast to Nationalist Iraqi Kurdistan; Rojava, PKK and PYD are based on libertarian anti-capitalist principles but are there a small minority of individuals within these groups (Rojava, PKK and PYD/YPG) who are not anti-capitalist BUT are none the less a part of them because of Nationalist concerns?

Is Pro-Israeli (The State of Israel and not Jews in general) support from Kurds high in Rojava or is it confined within Iraqi Kurdistan?

How receptive are Kurds in Rojava to Marxist thought compared to Anarchist thought (Anarchist thought via Ă–calan and Bookchin)?

lololZombiedogs5 karma

I can't say for sure as I haven't read Bookchin but I'm sure it would be his late work on libertarian municipalism. Also read this pamphlet by Ocalan
