Highest Rated Comments

lonefeather21 karma

color correkted

lonefeather21 karma

All adults must be on leash


No adults allowedService adults welcome

lonefeather14 karma

But a corporation is not just a group of people. It's an entity formed for a business purpose, to which we grant certain benefits that natural persons don't receive (e.g., shielding its employees from individual liability in many circumstances, and enjoying certain tax benefits), but also from which we demand certain requirements which natural persons are not subject to (e.g., filing regular reports to let the public know how or who to contact for legal service). The use of the corporate form inherently involves a trade-off of benefits and requirements, a trade-off of more of some rights but less of others, as compared to individuals.

lonefeather4 karma

These all sound super awesome, but this is the first time I'm hearing of any of these. Have you been or will you be advertising and if so, how?

It is obvious that you guys and gals are organizing these primarily for fun, but do you / can you make a living off this? I have a friend who is trying to organize a very small, local pseudo-scavenger-hunt-type adventure (not nearly the same as yours but similar vein of activity), and she's finding it difficult to get the word out. How do you do it? Based on your other comments, it seems like you are more than happy to share this adventuring scene with others, but have you taken any steps to protect your brands? One thing my friend is worried about is someone else coming in and doing her exact same thing but making money off of it and squeezing her out. How do you prevent that scenario?

Thanks for doing this AMA, and up the awesome work. I hope I can join you guys & gals for one of your adventures someday soon!

lonefeather3 karma
