Highest Rated Comments

lowcountrybuck18 karma

What else is he supposed to say?

No, I didn't base him on a known serial killer. I had an idea for a character and then went through a very long process that most writers go through when they write a novel. Let me explain it in great detail for you, even though I've already answered the question.

lowcountrybuck2 karma

You talk about having an area that you live in with a number of people and your website says that there is room for others to join you. Do you own this large piece of property? What are your property boundaries like? Are there any problems with squatters?

lowcountrybuck2 karma

I took a course on Feminist Theory in college. It counted towards my philosophy major and it was with one of my favorite professors. When voicing my opinion one day I mistakenly said "feminine" instead of "feminist" and was loudly corrected. I get easily embarrassed and that kind of turned me off from speaking in class again. You may have covered this topic already, but do you feel as though there can be a hostile environment for males in college courses that focus on gender inequality?

edit: corrected by a classmate, not by my professor.

lowcountrybuck2 karma

God damn that's fuckin sweet