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lsc8 karma

hey, would you be interested in helping draft a set of policies (especially an AUP and a Privacy Policy) that ISPs and saas vendors could use?

I run a (very small) hosting company, and I'm currently in the process of drawing up those policies for myself... but if I could use policies drafted by someone else, /especially/ if those policies had a organization behind it and/or had been tested in court, I'd use 'em.

I've got the interest of a few people, and the lawyer who is helping me out with my existing privacy policy.

lsc6 karma

well, this is something that I think most ISPs would love to have. Speaking as a small hosting provider, a good, solid policy document would help a lot. Most of us don't even have a lawyer. I only have one working with me 'cause he's trading me for some free co-lo and SysAdmin services.

I think it'd be great for consumers, too; legal documents are hard to understand. But if the consumer new she was signing up for a standard privacy policy that has been discussed at length in public, they'd know what it means. I mean, few of us can read and really understand the GPL, but it's been discussed enough in public that we all have a pretty good handle on what it actually means.

Oh yeah, my email is lsc@prgmr.com

lsc3 karma

Alexis Ohanan was interested in this some time ago. we talked about it, he bought some domains (universalAUP.org) and I ended up flaking out, or at least not getting anything substantial after a year trying (Alexis transfered the .org to me after a year) Anyhow, my lawyer friend (He's not my lawyer; we have a highly informal relationship, but he seems interested in the project) and myself have been going back and forth on prgmr.com/~lsc/PrivacyPRGMRDraftv2.rtf and http://prgmr.com/~lsc/TermsofUsePrgmrDraft.txt (just to be /real/ clear, none of those are anything like final.)

Anyhow, if you seem to be more serious business about this than I was, I bet Alexis would be willing to help out some, and I have an /immediate need/ as I need to amend my privacy policy 'cause ARIN, apparently, wants the names of everyone you deligate statics to (assuming they are not residential, and my customers are not residential) and I told my customers I'd not give out their names. So I need to come up with a new privacy policy, and then email everyone what's going on before I can get my own IP block, and I /desperately/ need to get my own IP block before ARIN runs out.