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luckystrike_bh3 karma

You seem passionate and knowledgeable regarding your work.. Is the phrase "If it is black fight back, if it's brown lay down, if it's white you're dead" have any validity during a bear attack?

I saw your comment that bear spray can be useful. Are bear bells effective in helping prevent negative bear encounters for hikers?

luckystrike_bh3 karma

And to add to this, "bear prevention" can keep you from getting in the situation in the first place. If you sleep with opened containers of food in your tent, then a you will probably get a visit from some type of wildlife. Serious hikers will use a bear cannister to carry food/scented items and will stash it away from their sleeping spot at night. I also carry a bear bell if I am hiking to give any major predators heads up if I am in the area. The chance of a clumsy human surprising a bear/cougar are low but you do not want to risk walking up on them while they are guarding a carcass or their young.

luckystrike_bh2 karma

Do you have a recommendation for a car trunk type of survival kit? One where weight is not as much of an issue and not having to replace rations too often. Water, rations, warmth? Right now I put water and some canned food but its more what I have around. First aid? Signaling? Hasty repair items to get a vehicle moving again? Maybe there is an article or list on the subject that, from your experience, makes sense for an average person?

luckystrike_bh2 karma

Do Legos cost more by weight than pure gold?

luckystrike_bh-1 karma

Russia has done these actions before in Syria. I think part of the World is raising an eyebrow and thinking. "Is this happening to white people and worthy of follow through now?" Doesn't it hurt the ICC's credibility?