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lumpy_potato9 karma

I can't remember what it was, but my SO and I saw a recording of a smaller show you did - not the really big showy ones, seemed like it was a comedy club. Whatever, it was smaller, I'm pretty sure. Maybe.

Anyways, to remain somewhat related - do you prefer smaller audiences or larger ones? Do you adopt different strategies in your comedy, tell different stories, or do you not really differentiate.

lumpy_potato6 karma

Release a few 3D models in .stl format on /r/3Dprinting and I'm sure you'd have more than a few takers to do it just for fun :)

lumpy_potato3 karma

Any chance you'll be at the Comedy Cellar again anytime soon? Just out of curiosity :) And thank you for the honest answer. If you have time to follow up, what do you think it would take to get you back to the MSG? Or is there another venue thats on the comedian bucket list? edit

lumpy_potato2 karma

:D I'd love to once I get my printer dialed in. Looking forward to it if you guys do release them at some point :)

lumpy_potato1 karma

I shipped a Panasonic G-25 in manufacturer box, with manufacturer packaging, and tons of blankets inside to be safe.

It arrived in NYC with a giant dent in the back and a shattered screen. The box was intact

I am convinced someone at UPS, based on your posts, took my TV out of the box just to hadouken it.

It makes me sad :( That is all.