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lzrdalgtr3 karma

Well basically I argues two outlets for conveying a message through art: shock and academic approaches. Caroline Schneeman vs Miriam Schapiro (among other examples). Are you familiar with Schneeman's Interior Scroll?

lzrdalgtr3 karma

When Schneeman performed that piece she did so in a very controlled environment. If my memory serves me, I believe there were only ab 100/120 people in attendance that were hand selected to be there. Her pieces are generally about breaking down stereotypes and sexual barriers. I felt that by limiting her audience with specific people she was hindering her message. What's your audience demographic? I'm sure it varies and such but from your post I'm thinking maybe it's more so fellow artists and the like minded. If you're tying to change views or open minds I'd think you'd seek out the closed minded...? I do understand that you're coming from a psychological standpoint which I very much appreciate bc at my alma mater there were a number of performance artists that I felt were there to shock you plain and simple, with no intention to make a point or simulate new thought.

lzrdalgtr2 karma

I wish I found you when I was writing my senior thesis for my BA degree. If you're still answering questions I'd love to chat with you.

lzrdalgtr2 karma

Hi! I don't really have a question...I helped out with catering at your NYE show in Chicago and it was really cool to see how down to earth you and all your people are. To be honest I wasn't familiar with your music but I really enjoyed your show and you've definitely gained a fan!