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madcow44820748 karma

Great, now we gotta wait til 4024.

madcow448202 karma

Hope this doesn't come across as naive, but why not shave your head? Nothing to pull; perhaps break the compulsion over some time before regrowing it.

Has anyone ever tried this?

madcow448201 karma

It would defeat the purpose of trying to hide it, yes!! In fact, own being bald for a while. Don't you think all the anxiety that comes with pulling the hair would just, by proxy, disappear?

Please don't think I am being unsympathetic. I would just consider this a medical condition, necessary to do until you beat the problem.

madcow448201 karma

I've read through your previous posts and it really does seem like you're putting up your own walls, insisting behavior change is impossible. It is difficult, yet you already mentioned once that you succeeded for a couple weeks (when you immediately would drop your hands to your lap when they went to you hair). You also mentioned how hard it was. I believe you.

All change is hard and some have more difficulty with it than others. Ultimately though, the only way to succeed is to genuinely want it and never stop trying. I beat a years-long tick in high school (constantly cracking my neck), i've seen people lose weight, quit smoking and my ex had an acne problem that was directly caused by compulsively touching her face. She beat it after four or five years of trying. She admits she could have beaten it sooner with the right knowledge and mindset.

Of course, i don't understand all your challenges and won't pretend to. My advice is the same here as others: seek help. And Imagine how you would look and feel without this issue. Motivate yourself to never, ever quit trying.