Highest Rated Comments

marr732 karma

If adult you was a jury member in the trial, would you have voted to convict your younger self?

marr132 karma

Having at least one subculture with a real economy behind it that doesn't treat drug war casualties as non-people will be all kinds of helpful. Until people stop going to jail at all, that's a vital band-aid for society.

marr55 karma

To be fair to past you, destruction and chaos is always a hell of a lot easier than building.

marr28 karma

"If a 'bad' project is a project with low metrics - I love working with those. Because if you increase its ARPDAU from $0.001 to $0.01, you can say that you made it 10 times better :D" (Average Revenue Per Daily Active User.)

Nothing to see here.

marr22 karma

There are rights you cannot legally sign away. That's kind of what rights means.