Highest Rated Comments

masstermind304 karma

Your visual interpretation of what I look like in real life.

masstermind56 karma

First, this is a digital billboard, so we can change it at any time. We are currently gathering ideas for improvements in /r/testpac.

There are two candidates running against Smith... Richard M(organ) and Richard M(ack)...

masstermind27 karma

Great questions.

  1. Aside from me, jeromie, and andy, the PAC has other officers for communications, graphic design, and media production. We have conference calls 2-3 times per week. We also have an IRC chat session weekly or bi-weekly (IRC channel & info is in /r/testpac sidebar

  2. TestPAC will be whatever the internet wants it to be. Our goal is to be the voice of the internet in American Politics, more or less.

masstermind20 karma

It was a little frustrating, but like I said in another post, there will always be detractors, and sometimes you can learn from them. They are also usually the loudest. That thread got over 1500 upvotes and was on the front page of Reddit before the /r/politics mods took it down (that's another story...). So, needless to say, alot more people liked it than disliked it.

masstermind14 karma

Great question. So, TestPAC was not formed for the sole purpose of ousting Smith. Our goal is to be the voice of the internet in American politics. Ousting Smith was merely the first objective voted on by our members. After the primary (or run off), we'll have a vote on what to do next.