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mattymaniac2 karma

I am a respiratory therapist and have had an interest in cystic fibrosis for quite some time. What did the medical professionals involved in your care say about your long term life? Do they expect you to live long or is this a fix for a certain range of short to midterm years?

Also, being a pulmonary condition I know you had respiratory therapists care for you, please show them appreciation, we are the underground specialists that nobody gives credit to or even a knowledgedges. I hope you live a very long and prosperous beautiful life. >Pain killers (opiates) were my drug of choice. I get terrible sinus headaches and that's how it started. Then when I got really sick and had to go on disability and required oxygen to breathe, my using went way up, very quickly. After about 3 years my wife left me and I decided to get help and did 30 days in an in-patient rehab facility. Been clean ever since.

It's a struggle still since I have operations a lot that require pain meds. I stay in contact with my sponsor and support group and even have 12 step meetings in my hospital room when necessary. Thanks to my on-going recovery from addiction I have some tremendous people in my life today. Getting through all the things I've faced was only possible because I didn't have to go through it alone.

mattymaniac1 karma

That is why I asked the question, Im aware of the goal of a transplant. That is one of my favorite things about my job, in pulmonary rehab we strive to increase quality of life, not to just young people but geriatrics also. When hospitals and sub-acutes give up, we assess, evaluate and aggressively work on quality of life.
Also I think the reason we are so down to earth is because of the reason I chose respiratory, we help deliver babys and we turn off life support, caregivers from beginning to end.

mattymaniac1 karma

I used to work for a company named Pyrospectaculars, just doing dumb office work but there was so much micromanagement going on there that I couldn't handle it. Too many people pretending to be more important then they are. Anyways, I remember seeing invoices for like $40,000, $100,000, etc. they are one of the very few who do these shows so they can charge a lot.